KMess - MSN / Live Messenger for Linux / KDE

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This project was discontinued: the website is provided for historical reasons.

Installing Help


KMess can currently be installed in two ways:

  • Official packages supplied by your own distribution/vendor.
  • Compiled from source code.

Each method has it's own advantages. We strongly recommend you to use your distribution/vendor's package manager, as this ensures you always have the latest KMess version. However, if you cannot find the latest KMess version there, or if it is outdated, you can install it from source code (however, you may prefer simply asking your distributor/vendor to add a KMess package!).

Installing from the package manager

Just open your distribution's package manager (YaST, Synaptics, or the like) and search for "kmess"!

Installing from source code

Installation from source code is more difficult, as it may require some troubleshooting during the installation process. This is only needed when a binary package is not available, or doesn't support the system you use. All binary packages at the download page are created from the source package.

To install from source, you have to first download the source tarball from the downloads page on the web site.

Then you need to unpack it, using your desktop's archiving tools or the command:

tar zxf kmess-2.0.6.tar.gz

Make sure you don't have an existing KMess package installed via your distribution's package manager.
Also, using the package manager, check that you have installed the packages required to build (and run) KMess, by taking a look at the list of prerequisites in our Compiling from Git page.

As soon as you've got everything you need, build and install KMess:

make -j2
sudo make install

You will find KMess in your desktop's menus, in the Network/Instant Messaging category.

Current Version
The current version of KMess is: 2.0.6
Latest development version: 3.0
Get KMess - MSN Messenger client for KDE at