KMess - MSN / Live Messenger for Linux / KDE

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This project was discontinued: the website is provided for historical reasons.


Technical Issues

We've moved our answers to technical issues over the KMess development site, to be able to keep them updated to the minute!
So if you have a problem, please take a look at the updated FAQ.


Q: How do I install KMess?

Please take a look at the installation help.

Q: Why do the emoticons just show up as black squares?

You installed KMess to the wrong directory. Basically, it should be configured to install to your KDE4 directory. This folder should be auto-detected, but you can also tell the configure where to find it. For example: ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3 Basically, it's the directory under which you'll find share/apps/a bunch of K programs

Q: How do I build RPM packages?

Please take a look at the installation guide.


Q: Is there any way I can help?

We would love to get more help! Possible ways of helping out are:

  • Beta testing: report new bugs in KMess SVN as you encounter them
  • Making user interface improvements / suggestions
  • Help us designing a new web site
  • Writing new code, or just an a occasional patch
  • Package KMess for your distribution

For more information, see the topic KMess needs you! at the forums.

You can always post a question at the help forum, we can help you to get started. You may also want to take a look at the development site and development tutorial as well.

Q: How do I use KMess SVN?

Please take a look at Accessing Git.

Q: How can I track the development progress?

You can take a look at:

Q: Can I send in my feedback somehow?

Yes, we would love to have feedback about KMess and the new features we are adding. Use the LikeBack icons at the top right of your KMess windows, or if you can't see them, choose "Send a comment to the developers" from the Help menu! Otherwise, you can actively discuss with us (we answer quickly!) by posting a message at our forum with your feedback!

Q: Where should I submit a theme I made that uses Microsoft's MSN emoticons?

Sorry, but we don't want it. Despite the fact that other Live Messenger clients for Linux use such themes, we feel there are likely copyright issues. That's one of the reasons we have our own complete emoticon theme, GPL'ed for use by other Live Messenger clients for Linux clients if they should feel the same way we do.

KMess supports the standard emoticon format for KDE, so you can provide or use any other emoticon theme found at

Q: Can you add voice chat support to KMess?

Sure! We would love to have everything implemented which is part of the "MSN experience". This does take time because there is a lot of features to choose from.

Q: Have you considered joining forces with Kopete?

It has been considered, and rejected in the past. The two programs may have similar functionality in the MSN department, but they are built differently. Furthermore, we have always felt that those multiple-protocol supporting programs suffer from the "least-common-denominator" problem. If 4 protocols don't support different fonts and 1 does, then no fonts for any, etc. Though they are getting better, lately. Instead, Mike, and later some comrades, started developing a full featured MSN client for Linux.

Our mid-term plans include creating a library from our protocol code, so that Kopete could benefit from it as well. The code is well tested, with a reasonable class design, easy to debug, and put to practice since 2003. If you think you can help, we would like to know! We are planning to start with this after the 2.0 release.


Q: Why should I use KMess instead of Pidgin/Kopete/aMSN?

KMess is designed for users who have a KDE desktop and use Live Messenger only.

If you need a client which supports multiple protocols, Kopete and Pidgin are well suited for this job. There is a choice for everyone, you are free to use what you like.

We've ways felt that those multiple-protocol supporting programs suffer from the "least-common-denominator" problem. If 4 protocols don't support different fonts and 1 does, then no fonts for any, etc.

KMess instead tries to support one at the fullest, optimizing the user interface for one protocol. We provide the "Messenger experience" on Linux, without the annoyances found in the official client. KMess also stays true to KDE standards, look and feel.

Q. What is the story behind the name of KMess?

There was already a KMsn, though that changed. "Mess" as sort of short for "Messenger" and also to be a self-deprecating joke. When Mike named it that, he didn't think anyone would actually end up using it. ;-)

Current Version
The current version of KMess is: 2.0.6
Latest development version: 3.0
Get KMess - MSN Messenger client for KDE at