KMess 2.0.6: our stable release
KMess packages are available for various distributions. To continue, click the button of your distribution below. You will be forwarded to a page with instructions on installing KMess.
openSUSE provides KMess packages in the KDE 4 community repository.
This requires a KDE 4.3 installation. Ubuntu
Ubuntu has KMess in its default repositories.
You can open "Add/remove programs" and search for "kmess".
Packages are also available for Intrepid, Jaunty and Karmic (32bit and 64bit) in our own public repository.
You can download the binaries, or add the PPA to be kept up-to-date automatically. Debian
Debian has KMess in its default repositories.
You can use apt or Synaptic or similar, to install the
"kmess" package.
The stable release "lenny" still has version 1.4, while squeeze is currently on 2.0. Mandriva
- KMess is available for Cooker and non-Cooker: click on "Star", select the "Applications" menu then click "Install & Remove Software". Then, search for "kmess".
- Install KMess using KPackageKit.
Arch Linux
- KMess packages for Arch Linux are available in the community repository.
- Gentoo provides ebuilds for KMess.
UHU Linux
UHU, the Linux distribution for Hungarian users.
A csomag az UHU-Linux dev változatához való (ebből lesz majd a 2.2). KMess Source
- Source package to build a binary yourself. Use this only if there are no binary packages yet, or you consider yourself an advanced user. See the installation help for more information on building this package.
If your distribution does not have a KMess package yet, you can ask them about it! Find a maintainer to package KMess, or try
doing it yourself. If your distribution has 2.0.6 stable packages, but they are not listed here, please
write a message on our forums or send us an e-mail.
Development versions
KMess 3.0 is currently in development. Since we are doing some core changes, it is not at all stable yet. Once we consider it somewhat stable, we will release an alpha version that will be available here.
Until then, if you are really sure you want to run this version, you can do so by compiling and installing the latest Git version. Please don't report any bugs in this version yet - as said, it is very much unstable, until we release the first alpha.
Old versions
Old versions of KMess can be found at the download page.
Since Autopackage does not support KDE 4, we do not provide Autopackage packages anymore. However, as many distributions are now supported "natively" by KMess, the packages above should work for everyone.