KMess - MSN / Live Messenger for Linux / KDE

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This project was discontinued: the website is provided for historical reasons.

Emoticon Themes

Looking for emoticons?

The default emoticons of KMess are too boring? You can change their appearance! You can also download and use other emoticon themes found at Just download one of these themes and point Konqueror to the following folder:


Then extract the theme archive in that folder!

Note KMess makes sure you only see the emoticons of the theme which are part of the official MSN emoticon set.

Emoticon themes optimized for MSN

We also provide a few emoticon themes optimized for MSN:

Crystal Emoticons
A crystal like theme of emoticons.
Made by: Nuno Pinheiro
Cartoon Emoticons
A cartoonish set.
Made by: Julien Joubin
Blue Emoticons
A basic set of blue emoticons.
Made by: David Vignoni
Yellow Emoticons
A basic set of yellow emoticons.
Made by: David Vignoni
Violet Emoticons
A basic set of violet emoticons.
Made by: David Vignoni

Current Version
The current version of KMess is: 2.0.6
Latest development version: 3.0
Get KMess - MSN Messenger client for KDE at